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Off the Deep End: No Impact Man

So this guy - Colin Beavan - is trying to lead a no impact life in NYC with his wife and two year old daughter. More power to him!. I have not deeply read his blog, so if there's subversive political speak, please forgive. Although he takes eco-dogma to a whole new level, in general, I think his principals are sound: use less, eat less, buy less.

Here's the rub: The link (No Impact Man) goes directly to a post about telling his wife they won't be using toilet paper any more. To each their own, as my mother would say, but there is some very extensive/graphic dialog in the comments about how other people avoid using TP. I'm all for saving the world, but come on people. We live in an industrialized nation for crying out loud - stop using your own hand and grab some Seventh Generation.

Scratchin' like a Hound

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